cygnus x-1造句

"cygnus x-1"是什么意思   


  1. Cygnus x - 1 is the oldest known case of a black hole candidate
    天鹅座x - 1便是最早发现的怀疑黑洞。
  2. Image of cygnus x - 1 , the first stellar black hole candidate
    天鹅座x - 1影像,可能是首个被发现的恒星状黑洞。
  3. The central bright star hd 226868 is the binary companion of the black hole , currently undergoing mass loss to cygnus x - 1
    中心亮星hd226868与该黑洞组成一个双星系统,目前其物质正被天鹅座x - 1吞噬。
  4. Most astronomers are convinced of the existence of the so - called stellar black holes , which collapse out of single star and have masses up to 10 times that of the sun . a famous example of this kind of black holes is cygnus x - 1 . likewise , supermassive black holes , which can have the mass of billions of stars and sit in the centre of galaxies , are also believed to exist
    一向以来,大部份天文学家都相信宇宙中存在著两种黑洞,一种是由单颗恒星塌缩而成,质量比太阳大约十倍的恒星型黑洞,例如天鹅座- 1另一种是超重黑洞,这种黑洞位于星系核心,质量可达太阳数十亿倍,例如我们的银河系中心,就有一个名为人马座a ,质量比太阳大300万倍的黑洞。
  5. It's difficult to find cygnus x-1 in a sentence. 用cygnus x-1造句挺难的


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